"I was to be sacrificed to Sss-Thsss, the foul warlord the humans have slain." He nods. "We slithsss are a people of justice. And he received hisss, as will we all." 0 sacr 0 It stands, slowly, and bows to you. "Now that my guards are dead, I will get away, back to my family and brood. Were it not for you, I would be sacrificed. Again, I thank you." 0 impr@esca 0 "They are but brigandsss now. They should receive justice!" 0 kill@fight 0 "Sss-Thsss led his servants from a castle on an island, until some humansss slew him. Now some of his servantsss worship him as a god." He hisses angrily. "Slith Gods are firm and jussst. He could never be one!" 0 slai@castle 0 "We are not usually a warring people. We do not all hate humansss. Many of us are friendsss to you. Not these sliths, though. They should die." 0 peac@humans 0 "They caught me, and were going to sacrifice me." "These are renegade slithsss, part of the army of foul Sss-Thsss. When Sss-Thsss was slain and his castle dessstroyed, most of hisss servants sued for peace. We do not all hate humansss. But then, some of them fled, to keep killing and fighting." 0 foul@slit 0 "The foul slithsss here imprisssoned me. I can now escape, if you do not kill me." It realizes you aren't about to attack it. "I am Ahkas-Ahss, humansss." You strain to hear its soft, sibilant voice. There is an unarmed slith sitting in this narrow cell. Its scales are pale, and lack the glossy sheen of normal slith scales. It looks at you nervously. 0 stnd 0 "I cannot help you, human." 10 2 Tiny Slith Fort